PSALM 35:27
Psalm 35:27 KJV. Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. This word was so strong in my heart yesterday and as i began to think on this verse, the Holy Spirit ministered this to my heart. Even as i took much time thinking about this verse The Holy Spirit said to me that as the God The Father hath much pleasure in the prosperity of His people in all that they do, likewise we that are called sons and daughters of God should do one to another, but the reverse is the case. We take so much pleasure in pulling down ourselves, talking down against on ourselves, backbiting, full of bitterness, envy, anger, disunity, hatred, living in unforgiveness, finding faults in people, untrue and unfaithful to each other, murdering people in our heart and with our mouth, pretending to love but deep in the heart is hatred, stand in the presence of God and do all we do even in church lifting up holy hands and legs and yet still keeping malice with brethren or fellow sons and daughters of God, whom God has forgiven all their sins, standing together in groups talking against the pastors, leaders, even against churches, condemning everyone when He that paid the price did not condemn anyone, judging one another even when (GOD) The Greatest Judge has not judged anyone. What have we turned ourselves to people of God? What have we turned the Body Of Christ to? Is this the church that Christ hath washed in His most precious blood? Is this the church that Jesus Christ is coming back for? Is this the gathering that God commanded, where God said in there coming together in unity that He'll command His blessings upon them? Is this the church without spot or wrinkle that Christ is coming back for? Is this the church that Christ called His bride? Are these the sons and daughters that the whole world is waiting for the manifestation? No wonder we did not see God in our daily living. If truly we do live, move, and have our being in HIM, then we should live our lives the way He expected us to live, desiring the prosperity of one another. Let this mind be in us which was also in CHRIST JESUS. Glorious Things.